How to escape BitLife prison

The mobile life simulation game bitlife is very fun, and the life of crime is a life that can be fun to play. The right flight and car flight can be very lucrative, but they also expose you to the risk of being taken. If you are caught, you will be put in prison.

Even in prison, this can provide a fun distraction because you can either try to earn the prison court or a model prisoner and you could just be considered for a parole early. The choice belongs to you. However, if you want to see what the life of an escapee is like, you will have to escape you first. If you do, you will meet something that looks a bit like this:

The object of this mini-game is simple: reach the exit before the goalkeeper does not catch you. The higher the level of security in which you are placed is high, the larger the arrangement of the escape and the more difficult it is to escape. This may seem like a difficult task at first because the guard can move twice as many tiles as you can. However, they must respect some rules.

First of all, the guard must move to you. They can not buck up to reach your position. Secondly, they must first move horizontally, which means that they can not move horizontally after moving vertically. All the puzzle provisions have a solution, and if you remember these rules and schedule accordingly, you can win every time.

The map below is the same as the one above, a low-security prison. Although this does not normally appear on the game, grid markers have been added here to help demonstrate an escape.

For this puzzle, move immediately to the left to C4 will cause custody to the left to C2, preventing it from a wall. However, if you move to the right, it will move from top to bottom, leaving you without escape.

If you keep moving to the left, the guard will not move. However, if you go to A2, then to A1, the guard will move up its position to C1 because it could only move vertically. After returning to A2, the guard then gets closer to you, going to B1, then B2. Here, the goalkeeper is blocked in three directions.

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It is then your chance to escape you. Go to D2, in line with the custody of the row 2. It can not move yet because you are on the same row and can not go around. Skip into D1 will allow guard to climb and get closer to you, but you only need one more tour to reach the exit.

This is an example of a simpler version of some of the puzzles you may encounter. Low safety prisons usually consist of 16 square grids, the average security of 25 boxes and the maximum safety of 35 boxes, each with an output. However, the premise is the same among all escape puzzles. Improve the guard far enough from the exit for you to have a clean run to the door.
