LOL: The play that demonstrates Riot's theory about the bad condition of a category of champions

The great goals of Riot Games for the current season of League of Legends have not been fulfilled. The developer was very ambitious with his ambition of what the game should be and carried out great changes. However, the results in some work areas have been short, giving rise to an obvious imbalance when calibrating sensations with different categories of champions. A negative situation that has even recognized some of the main developers.

A play that verifies the analysis of Riot Games

One of the characters classes in which these symptoms are most displayed is that of magicians . Although most of the members of this category of champions obtains good results when it comes to assessing only the results, even one of the main designers of League champions of Legends has considered them unfair. A diagnosis that was expanded by the community that bored them from boring due to the few solutions that contribute their objects.

Now, A player wanted to share a play in which he seems to verify all the evils . In it, he is able to laugh at his enemy's face, letting him hit him skills until he runs just a point of life and then gala of all the tools contributed by skills and objects. Thus, he begins an aggression under the turret with just 80 points of life that concludes with twice as much health and a drop before him that the rival of him could do nothing.

The truth is that The magicians have stayed in a very bad position . Most of the players of League of Legends avoid them in favor of more interesting alternatives seeking new compositions with which to meet the lack of this type of damage. Fortunately, the developer promises to do something about it in the next preseason so that some of the most iconic characters do not fall into oblivion.
